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3 Eylül 2012 Pazartesi

Streaming Video Gaining Ground on Broadcast TV for Connected TV Users Source: Streaming Video Gaining Ground on Broadcast TV for Connected TV Users

Following up on my previous article from the YuMe Connected TV White Paper which focused on advertising and ad-supported content, I also wanted to take a look at the content itself including what people are watching, when they watch it and, rather importantly, how they find it. Streaming TV and movies are viewed multiple times per week, it's discovered by search or recommendations and for a variety of reasons.


The statistics presented in this report were generated from data collected between May 24 and June 4, 2012 from an online survey of viewers. The survey was conducted from a sample group of 736 connected TV consumers about their experiences with Internet-based video and content displayed on a TV screen.
The viewers, between 18 to 54 years of age, use Internet video or content on a TV screen connected
to the Internet via game consoles and Blu-ray players, as well as streaming devices directly
connected to the Internet such as Roku, Apple TV, Boxee, or Smart TVs. The number of households
connecting their TV screens to the Internet represents 30 percent of Internet-connected households.

Connected TV Streaming Content Viewing

It seems that streaming TV, streaming movies and watching TV itself were most prevalent in most parts of the day. This runs parallel to another report I talked about where viewing time varied by device and type of content. There is some variation here but it's not as fine grain as that previous report.
yume connected tv time Streaming Video Gaining Ground on Broadcast TV for Connected TV Users
More than once a week, users streamed short-form content (26 percent) more
frequently than they viewed TV shows on networks (24 percent), and nearly as often as they viewed
TV streamed from the Internet (29 percent) and streamed movies (31 percent). Still, daily TV viewing was dominant with 44% saying they watched TV shows on networks. The drastic drop off is in the rest of the categories with a full 10% saying they never watch network TV.
content connected tv Streaming Video Gaining Ground on Broadcast TV for Connected TV Users
Professionally-produced full-length and short-form videos not on TV and cable are surging in
popularity, with 67 percent of respondents saying they watch these. Many are moving to these outlets for video entertainment mostly when they feel "there is nothing on TV," closely followed by when they want to relax. Catching up on past episodes is quite popular as well. Additionally, and perhaps just as importantly, when they can't find the movie they want on TV.
why connected tv Streaming Video Gaining Ground on Broadcast TV for Connected TV Users

Streaming Video Discovery on Connected TVs

The majority of content that consumers are watching on connected TVs is found through search, either a direct input search or via a menu or store. Second screen search for content is still quite popular with a third of respondents using that method. Recommendations, both social and algorithm-based, are also showing success as well.
discovery connected tv Streaming Video Gaining Ground on Broadcast TV for Connected TV Users
What this last chart tells me is that, it's extremely important to have a full-featured recommendation system in your connected TV apps, including social, popular and recommendations based on user behavior and viewing patterns. That also means that all of your content needs as much meta-data attached to it as you can get in there to make sure the videos are found and offered to the consumers.
Along with that, 25% of users said they will type in a URL. That means your websites need to have a connected TV version or be made to play nicely with those platforms. Need help? Check out my tips and best practices article on building apps for connected TV. You might also check out my round up of connected TV advertising services.

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